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FARE SCUOLA Making School
A. il libro IL PROGETTO “FARE SCUOLA” NELLA  PROVINCIA DI CASERTA”, Corrado ZANO Editore, 2001, Sessa Aurunca (CE). The training path of the project "Making School" examines the theoretical and scientific models regarding the processes of teaching / learning in schools.............  read all This training path was useful for validating the training path of the I.S.P.E.F. Accreditation Model of University B. LIST OF TEACHERS who have attained the Certificate of Biennial High Quality Training Course EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES AND DOCIMOLOGY" made in the years 2000 - 2001 (see annex) The evaluation carried out on the course teachers was used as a validation for the construction of a NETWORK OF SCHOLL LEADERS  AND TEACHERS pursuing EDUCATION QUALITY  with registration in the Register of ISPEF Accredited School Leaders and Teachers  Teachers of "Education Quality " Network who have acquired the Mention and / or publication in the evaluation made, can obtain Certification TCS - Training Competences and Skills leading to enrollment in I.S.P.E.F. Roll of Certificates teacher C. LIST OF SCHOOL LEADERS who have attained the Certificate of Biennial High Quality Training Course "PSICO-PEDAGOGICAL METHODOLOGIES AND HEALD UP OF COMMUNITY EDUCATION" made in the years 2000- 2001   (List of School Leaders)  The evaluation doing on school leaders of the course was used as validation for the construction of a NETWORK OF SCHOLL LEADERS  AND TEACHERS pursuing EDUCATION QUALITY  with registration in the Register of ISPEF Accredited School Leaders and Teachers 
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Caserta -Biennial Course
Biennial High Quality Training Course 2000/2001
The evaluation carried out on school leaders  of the course, may be viewed in the book  IL PROGETTO “FARE SCUOLA” NELLA PROVINCIA DI CASERTA” , was used as validation for the Certification Wosca – Work Skills Certification Assesment  with registration in the Register of ISPEF Certificates School Leaders  D. The list of schools that have participated in getting involved in PROJECT "MAKING SCHOOL" in 2000-2001 The evaluation carried out on schools in the project Making School has served as a validation of the Standard CEIS: 2009 - Certification Education Institutions and Schools