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FARE SCUOLA Making School
We will use the project "Making School" made with schools in the province of Caserta to illustrate the training path of project: 1. the Biennial of Higher Education "EDUCATIONAL AND METHODS DOCIMOLOGY"     The curriculum is characterized by the construction of a two-year update-experimental training in "METHODS AND EDUCATIONAL docimology" involving over 250 teachers of all grade school and ...... (read all) 2. Biennial High Quality Training Course " EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES AND DOCIMOLOGY" List of making School School Directors 3. Best Practices of Course " EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES AND DOCIMOLOGY"    Example of project  doing by “Making School” training path…….  (read all) 4. PROJECT “PROVINCE LABORATORY“    After the realization of the project "Making School", leaders and school operators in the province of Caserta feel the need of moving from a situation of "Province Laboratory" to a  "Provincial Laboratory", which realizes a continuing education activities .. (read all) 5. BEST PRACTICES PROJECT “PROVINCE LABORATORY“ Example of project  doing by ”Province Laboratory” Project… (read all)
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Training Path
 FARE SCUOLA Project Making School
CONCTACT US PUBBLICATION ON THE SUBJECT What Is It Where Was Carried Out Results Training Path Training Path