The project is part of a process of transformation of the teaching
professionalism, focusing on the development of the technology
skills that allow to bring innovation in training facilities.
Beneficiaries: educators and teachers of secondary schools with the
aim of extending the innovation to colleagues, students, experts
and trainers across Europe.
Aim: The basic idea is to develop a European model for both teacher
and learning-provider training so as to form a professionalism
oriented to a new and shared teaching methodology, defined as
Laboratorial Education, to be applied in upper secondary schools
and in VET, especially with learners between 14 and 18 years old.
The inspiring principle is to improve teacher and learning-provider
professionalism, in order to overcome the existing gap between
education, VET and job market. It is necessary to create a shared
educational and training paradigm which can prepare people for
the so-called knowledge society.
Objective: creation of a Community of Practice where to manage and
develop the core activities of the project:
- identification and analysis of good practices in Europe
- Dynamic Model of Teacher Training
- Training Courses
- Validation (the Model and the courses)
- Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
Results: the results that we aim to achieve are as follows:
- report on the research of significant experiences in teacher training
- creation of the portal LED
- creation of the Dynamic Model of Teacher Training
LED Project
Download the presentation of the
Project LED - Laboratory Education