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The Project DY.Mo.Vo.TRA. (DYNAMIC MODEL of VOCATIONAL TRAINING -Training Proficiency to Guarantee Vocational Success) will represent the transfer into Vocational training of f the dynamic model created by the project DI.SCOL.A. - Dynamic Model for Teaching proficiency to guarantee school success which has been founded within LdV programme n. I/05/B7F7PP- 154000( Beneficiaries: - Young people (16-18) attending the final years in training schools or attending VET courses - Young people looking for a job through job and  guidance centres or Job Agencies - Adult employed in SMEs attending training courses related to their jobs. Objectives: the inspiring principle of the project DY.MO.VO.TRA. is characterized by its aim to improve trainers skills and professionalism in order to: -  facilitate the access of young people into the labor market -  improve adults’ career progression Through a fruitful collaboration between Enterprise and School, to determine the same methodology in training of staff and in selection of young people who are entering the world of work. Aims: Project aims is to improve the quality and attractiveness  of School and  VET European systems by adapting and integrating the innovation and the results of dynamic model DISCOLA into private and public School and VET systems and into local enterprises. The transfer of innovation process will include and imply the following features: Identification and analysis of target group’s needs Selection and analysis of the innovative content aimed to satisfy the needs and feasibility analysis of the transfer The integration of innovative contents into local, regional and European VET systems and practices The fitting of innovative contents (methodology and products) to VET Systems, Culture target group needs The transfer of innovation to new socio cultural and linguistic contests The application of the innovative content to areas different from the target group Results: definition of a Dynamic Model of Teachers and Educators Training for the development of core competencies, of every teacher, useful to enable effective learning strategies.
Project DY.MO.VO.TRA
Download the Presentation of DY.MO.VO.TRA. Project